Journey to the North Pole

As part of my 6,000 mile road trip to Alaska I managed to drop in on the North Pole …. no, not “the” geographical north pole, but rather a town 12 miles south of Fairbanks named “North Pole”. It is rather hard to avoid it, anybody heading to Fairbanks from the Alaska Highway or Valdez must drive through it. So … Read more

Jesus and Mo

Jesus and Mo have a few things to say regarding the lunacy in Saudi Arabia  … I love satire, it is often the most powerful and effective way to communicate criticism. If you have never encountered Jesus & Mo before the I guess you have a few questions … there is an About that explains … … Read more

The Godless Spellchecker – @GSpellchecker it is not Athiest, it is #AthEIst

Should you find yourself in need of a bit of amusement in a dull moment while waiting for a train, plane or bus, then I can highly recommend the twitter feed of the Godless Spellchecker. Why? well because this bastion of non Divine Spelling Intervention is simply hilarious, and as testament to that fact, he has over … Read more

Atheist Tornado Survivor asked by CNN reporter if She ‘Thanks The Lord’

You may already have seen this … but what the heck, its funny … The sad fact is that a lot of religious people appear to think that non-believers behave like this … … but the truth is that the non-religious are just ordinary folks, don’t have horns growing out of their heads, and are … Read more

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