Sometime satire really is the best reply

Being religious is about investing in an idea emotionally, and sometimes (I really do mean sometimes for a minority) that happens to such a degree that the person doing so is completely oblivious to what has happened to their ability to think clearly about specific things. While within this post I am thinking specifically about creationism it can … Read more

The 2015 IgNobel awards have been announced

OK yes, I’d a tad behind the curve, the 2015 awards were actually announced on the 17th. You might be wondering what IgNobel is all about, and so, as suggested by the name, they are a series of awards that usually precede the actual Nobel announcements by a couple of weeks (which will be happing on … Read more

Finding Jesus in the stars

[Side Note: This is an updated version, the author of the press release contacted me to point out that I had misrepresented him, and he was in fact correct, so I have applied some wording changes] The Friendly Atheist has a posting about a press release revealing that Jesus has been discovered in a star … Read more

Funny replies to Homophobic hate mail

So how should people who are on the receiving end of a constant stream of hate mail respond? There are of course many options that range from the snide rebuttal, through to a well-reasoned appeal designed to stir up human empathy, or perhaps even to rise above it all and ignore it. Given all the distinct possibilities … Read more

Weird lawsuit: Demand for $58 million from Richard Dawkins

I tripped up over the details of this one the other day, and it truly is bizarre. It is one of those cases that pops up whenever you might be tempted to think, “nobody could be that stupid”, because sure enough, up pops somebody who is quite determined to prove you wrong about that. A couple of … Read more

The Lost Island – The hardest place in the world to visit

Just a bit of fun today, nothing too serious. North Sentinel Island, is a remote tiny little place out in the Bay of Bengal, covered in forest, and peopled by a tribe who are extremely hostile. Anybody who dares to step on their island is immediately slaughtered, and so the amount of contact they actually … Read more

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